The Shatterborn Surge: The Birth of the Merial Cosmos
In the vast emptiness, before realms, stars, or creatures, two powerful forces collided: Xantheris, the essence of transformation, and Etrithor, the energy of consumption. This epic clash, known as the Shatterborn Surge, unleashed a torrent of energy so immense that it fractured reality, sparking the creation of the Merial Cosmos.
From this cosmic explosion, seven celestial bodies emerged, each embodying a unique balance of creation and decay, growth and entropy. These celestial bodies—such as Xytrathis, symbolizing endless change, and Umbryssia, veiled in shadow—became the guiding forces of new realms, shaping lands teeming with both life and mystery.
The Shatterborn Surge’s energies flowed into each realm, leaving behind its signature in the lush forests of Sylvarnath, the shadowed caverns of Gloamspire, and the crystalline landscapes of Crystarielle. Each realm became a unique reflection of the Surge's dual forces, blending beauty and peril, light and darkness.
To this day, the legacy of the Shatterborn Surge is felt across the Merial Cosmos. Every being, every spell, and every story is touched by this ancient energy, fueling the eternal dance between creation and consumption. This cosmic balance is woven into the very fabric of existence, making the Merial Cosmos a world of constant evolution and endless wonder.